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Why I Started The Present Entrepreneur

September 28, 20229 min read

Why I Started The Present Entrepreneur

Why did I start this? 

Jordan Abaroa

Why is this group something that I wanted to create and I wanted to be a part of it? We've got to go back a little bit because the reality is, guys, that I'm an entrepreneur who never intended to be an entrepreneur. I never meant to have to run my own business or have a company or do anything like that.

That was never the case. I was never that kid that sold lemonade on the side of this, on the side of the street. I never had that entrepreneurial itch that just needed to be scratched. Everything in my life was always about family and football, right?

Faith, Family and Football

 Faith, family, and football were everything to me. And yes, I do live in Texas.

That's on every t-shirt. But it was absolutely true from the time I was a little freaking kid. Everything was about those things. And I remember the first moment that I realized that football and family might not always connect together. 

And here's what I mean by that, guys. I always thought I was either going to play football or coach football the rest of my life, and I was sitting there having an interview to be a part of a Division One college program, to be a coach there and to make that my career.

And he told me at the time that in order to truly pursue my dream of coaching football at a high level and earning a lot of money (because coaches are paid well at that level), I would have to sacrifice my family during the season, during recruiting, and everything else that came with it. 

And I vowed at that moment that I would never pursue a job that would take me away from my family, because that is ultimately the greatest impact that I could ever create.

It will happen within the walls of my own home. And so I vowed in that moment and through that interaction and that learning moment, that I would never sacrifice my family to be able to pursue a career or a job. 

Now, that left me in a weird spot because I still wanted to coach and be a part of a football team, but I would not sacrifice my family.

Being A Volunteer Coach at a Local High School

Coaching Football

So I did what everybody does. I went and found a 9 to 5 and I found a volunteer coaching job at a local high school.

I was coaching as a volunteer coach at a local high school. And life was good, right? I realized something, though. I wanted to be a football coach and I wanted to pursue this dream of mine. 

But I also realized that my impact at home when I worked for somebody else was always capped. I had to report to somebody.

They dictated the hours because they were paying me, right? So I was always limited in my ability to make an impact. It wasn't a bad job. It was fine, the pay was good, and the people were awesome. 

I learned a lot in that process. But my impact was always capped when I worked for somebody else.

An Opportunity To Be A Defensive Coordinator

So an opportunity came along, and this was an amazing opportunity where I got to become the defensive coordinator at one of the top programs in Arizona, somebody that competed for state championships. 

And that was going to be a way that I, maybe, could continue this career and be successful at it. 

Taking the Leap of Faith and Conquering My Fear

But coaches don't make money. And I couldn't live; I couldn't keep working at my 9 to 5 as a result of taking this job and following this dream.

So I did it anyway. I just went in and I said, "Fine, f it, screw this. I'm just going to go pursue this dream and I'll figure out whatever the crap I have to do. "

And so I did something that I was scared to death to do, which was start my own business and holy freaking crap. Guys, you want to talk about burning the ships, man?

I left that 9 to 5. I went and just started coaching and just said, "Screw this, I'm going to frickin build a business that will be successful." And guys, when I tell you that there were, oh, crap moments where I went, What the freak am I doing? And why did I just leave that stability?

Why did I just leave that job? But what was fascinating, guys, was the ability that I had to create an impact at home, which dramatically increased.

I was in control of my own schedule. I was pursuing a hobby and a dream of mine that I had always wanted to do. And I was, you know, able to be more present in my family's life.

Being An Entrepreneur

Wake Up Moment

Here is the challenge, though, that you learn really, really quickly. I had never wanted to be an

entrepreneur, and so I studied everything that I possibly could. Every book, every YouTube, every podcast, all that crap. 

I was trying to just consume every piece of knowledge that I could to build a successful business, because now I was struggling and worried about putting food on the table.

And what happened was, when you're struggling and worried about putting food on the table, you can never be present at it.

So I had all of the time to be more impactful with my family, but now I lost my focus and my energy because everything was devoted to the business and everything was devoted to what these gurus and experts were teaching, which was to sacrifice yourself, your time, energy, money, and family to put food on the table and go build this amazing lifestyle.

You can be a millionaire, but you better be willing to sacrifice your family to get there. And that crap just wasn't going to work for me. 

I remember back to when I was sitting with that coach frickin understanding. I will not sacrifice my family in pursuit of a career and be stuck just in this dilemma of how to provide and take care of my family.

Creating My Own Framework


But I'm more present at it to lead, to provide and protect my family in a way that dads absolutely should.

So I said, "Screw this. I'm going to just take the bits and pieces that I like from all of these experts that are really going to help me out. " 

So I started to compile everything to create my own framework, my own process, my own understanding of how to run your business.

And I wrote this part down because it's super important and I'm really proud to be able to share it. 

So during that time, when I was running my own business, my own startup per se, I averaged 20-hour workweeks and I was making more money than I ever did at the job that I just left.

I was able to be that defensive coordinator, and that took a good amount of time. But I was pursuing a hobby and a dream of mine. 

I went on multiple family vacations; Disneyland, beaches, this place and that, and staycations. That's always fun to do. We just picked up and moved because the business was online.

Being The Master Of My Own Schedule

Now I could go wherever we wanted to go and move to a place that was going to be powerful and impactful for our family and our kids. 

I never missed any practice, competitions, or anything that my children were involved in. I never missed a practice or recital or a dance because I was working.

I was able to be there with them and be present with them. I went on countless dates, mostly lunch dates. That's one reason we liked going on dates and went on multiple donut dates with Daddy. 

My freaking impact on my family grew so much because we didn't. We ran our own business, but we didn't follow the advice and expertise of everybody else.

And the truth is, in that process is when I realized that something that we discovered could help other dads as well; something in what we're up to and the value that we can bring and provide could help other dads as well. 

I know that there are other men out there who want to provide for their families but are struggling to put food on the table because they're listening to or being told the same crap that I was.

The Boss Dad Blueprint

Me & The Kids

So we created a Facebook group, a community, to share insights and to give you the same framework, which we call the "FREE-2-IMPACT (F2I) Formula," and the same process that we used to be the best dad we could possibly be, and we call it the “Boss Dad Blueprint”.

We wanted to put those things together into a Facebook group and share them with you guys so that we can all grow together. 

Because now more than ever, we need more powerful dads. We need dads who are free in their businesses to create an impact at home. 

We need those guys now more than freaking ever, and that's why this group exists.

That's what the whole point and process of this is. It's to come together as dads from all over the world, to be able to share the tips and tricks, the processes, the understandings, the tools that I've used to be able to live that 20-hour workweek. 

To be able to make more money than I ever did before, to be able to never miss an event with your kids, and to be truly powerful, present, impactful dads at home.

So that being said, guys, I want to invite you to join the group as we’re sharing tips and tricks about business and we’re doing a Facebook live every week which helped and continuously helping dads create freedom for their family, themselves, and create a sustainable business to be able to enjoy freedom and create a real impact at home.

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I spoke with a friend of mine about Fatherhood recently. It broke my heart…

His son is five years old, so he told me, “yeah, I’ve got five more years to grind before I need to get heavily involved in my son’s life.”

Are you freaking kidding me? Five more years before you have to get involved in your son’s life? No…

What you have is five years left to give your son a reason to listen to you for the rest of his life.

In five years, it’ll be easy for your son to dismiss everything you say because you weren’t there for him before.

I love my friend, but that’s just B.S.

Entrepreneurs everywhere are falling for the lie that your value is determined by the size of your bank account.

The Present Entrepreneur Is how I'm fighting this crisis.

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